How to Stay Nourished When You’re a Vegan Who Travels a Lot
Vegan or not, eating nutritiously while traveling can be challenging. Gas stations aren’t known for their healthy goods; veg-friendly restaurants can be difficult to find; and I think we can all agree that airplane food is rough. But unless you’re going to Los Angeles or Tel Aviv, the challenge can be greater for a vegan. Still, staying nourished as a vegan who travels a lot can be simple—with a bit of planning.
From bringing travel-sized dairy-free milk onto planes to booking accommodations that provide kitchen access, traveling vegans have plenty of ways to stay healthy and satisfied. And thanks to apps like Happy Cow, finding vegan options at local cafes and restaurants is easier than ever.
Of course, some countries are more veg-friendly than others, but you can stick to a plant-based diet anywhere. Here are a few of the vegan hacks I’ve picked up while traveling. I hope they help you as much as they’ve helped me!
Download the Happy Cow App
While it doesn’t hurt to do a bit of research ahead of time, the wonderful Happy Cow app almost always has you covered. Like Yelp for vegans and vegetarians, Happy Cow might not help you find vegan dining options if you’re somewhere very remote, but if there are any vegan options near you, Happy Cow will find them. Yelp is also useful.
Fly With Your Own Coffee Creamer
If you can’t stand black coffee, you should probably start taking your own coffee creamer onto planes. Even though plant-based milk is more popular than ever, most airlines don’t offer dairy-free options—yet! So the next time you fly, try to find a vegan coffee creamer or plant-based milk under four ounces.
Research How to Express That You’re Vegan
Wherever you decide to visit, you’ll need to know how to tell locals that you don’t eat meat, dairy, or eggs. To start, here’s how to say “I’m Vegan” in the world’s 10 most widely spoken languages.
Follow Vegan Travel Blogs
Vegan travel blogs are as inspirational as they are informative. I love following Mostly Amélie because she’s a solo traveler as I usually am, but you should also check out these bloggers.
Check Out The Vegan Passport
Available in book or app form, The Vegan Passport is a multilingual phrasebook and guide to eating vegan anywhere in the world. The Vegan Passport includes the languages of over 96 percent of the world’s population and costs only around two bucks to download from iTunes or Google Play.
Pack Produce and High-Protein Snacks
Whether on a cross-country road trip or a flight to Bangkok, you can’t go wrong with produce. After all, apples, oranges, and bananas are literally prepackaged by nature. Plus, they can stay fresh for days in most climates, and they are yummy, healthy, and relatively mess-free. Unshelled nuts require even less cleanup and can stay fresh for up to three months when properly stored.
Speaking of nuts, vegan protein snacks are a must. Before you take off on your next adventure, remember to toss some protein-packed vegan goodies into your carry-on, cooler, or picnic basket—like dairy-free protein shakes, unshelled almonds, and plant-based energy bars.
Grocery Stores and Farmers Markets Are Your Friends
Grocery stores and, unless you’re traveling somewhere with a brutally cold climate, farmers markets offer plenty to eat. In my limited experience, basics like rice, beans, lentils, pasta, oats, produce, and bread can be found no matter where you go.
That said, if you’re traveling to a remote village in a developing nation, you might be able to buy produce only during a two-hour window on Saturday mornings, and you may need to hike across some challenging terrain to reach it. (Been there.) Siestas are also common in parts of the world, so unless you’re somewhere familiar, don’t wait until you’re hungry to find vegan staples.
Connect With Local Vegans Online
Happy Cow and your hotel concierge should be excellent resources for your next vegventure, but one of the easiest ways to scope out your destination’s veg scene is to get on Facebook and ask local folks for tips. You can also use Facebook to meet up with local vegans IRL. Just be sure to meet at a public place and tell a loved one about your plans.
Research Your Destination’s Food Norms
Every culture has unfortunate rituals, celebrations, and customs that revolve around killing and eating animals. Plus, people from one culture might eat the animals that your culture has historically protected, and this can be especially unsettling if you’re not expecting it. So while unpleasant, learn about how your destination’s culture uses animals for food.
Choose Lodging With a Kitchen
Half the fun of going somewhere new is trying the local cuisine. Unfortunately, some cities just aren’t that veg-friendly and eating out gets expensive. So when you have the option, make sure to book lodging that provides access to a kitchen. That way, whether you’re headed to Toronto or Marseille, you’ll be able to cook yourself plenty of tasty meals—and save money too!
Bring Your Own Food Containers
Plastic baggies and containers aren’t great for the environment, but they can keep you from wasting the yummy food you cook during your travels. And taking vegan snacks with you should save you time, money, and a whole lot of frustration.
Have Fun With It
So take time to discover your destination’s veg scene. Not only will you probably have the best lunch of your life; you might meet some truly inspiring folks. Veganism can provide a built-in community no matter where you are. But whether you choose to mingle with local vegans or be a lone wolf, it’s most important to have fun!