10 Must-Have Kitchen Gadgets to Buy for the Vegan in Your Life
The holidays are upon us, and now is the time to find gifts for our loved ones. We all know this is easier said than done. But if there’s a vegan foodie on your list, you’re in luck—we’ve compiled some of the most useful kitchen tools and gadgets that would make great gifts for any plant-based food enthusiast.
In a range of prices, these gifts are sure to be both practical and appreciated:
High-Speed Blender
This is probably the priciest gadget on this list, but it’s worth its weight in gold to anyone who loves making smoothies, soups, and more!
Mortar and Pestle
Freshly ground herbs and spices will take recipes to the next level.
Perfect for the gluten-free vegan, this tool is great for making noodles out of zucchini, sweet potato, or butternut squash.
Garlic Press
Probably the most affordable tool on this list—you can’t go wrong with a garlic press.
Instant Pot
This fancy pressure cooker has picked up steam and is great for vegans who like to cook their meals but are short on time.
Slow Cooker
Set it and forget it. But not really, because that’s still a fire hazard. Get one here.
Tofu Press
To make your own tofu, you have to press it, and a tofu press works much better than the old stack-of-books method.
Air Fryer
Yes, it’s still a fryer. But this device uses far less oil and makes amazing homemade falafel a real possibility.
Nut Milk Bag
These are perfect for making your own almond or cashew milk.
Salad Spinner
If you know anything about vegan food, you know it’s far from being all about salads. But a salad spinner is great for drying veggies after washing.
Not finding what you’re looking for? Click here for a list of badass subscription boxes any vegan would be happy to receive.