AMAZING! Cow Escapes Slaughter and Runs Right to a Sanctuary
People.com reports that a cow destined for slaughter recently escaped from a ranch in California and broke into Grass Valley’s Animal Place Sanctuary.
An 800-pound bovine named Davey broke down a fence on the 600-acre sanctuary and integrated with the herd after only a few hours. Animal Care Director Hannah Beins spotted him and knew immediately that he was not one of Animal Place’s cows.
Fearing possible penalties, the sanctuary set out to find where the Angus/Highland mix had come from, calling neighbors, posting flyers, and notifying the local animal shelter. One month of searching led them to a rancher, who’d planned to send Davey and 17 other cows and calves to slaughter.
“My heart sank,” Beins told People. “I panicked but tried to keep my cool. It was one of the most difficult moments I have ever experienced. The thought that not only would we have to part with Davey, but that also he would be slaughtered and end up on somebody’s dinner plate!”
After hearing about his immediate bond with the herd, the rancher agreed to relinquish Davey to the sanctuary’s care. According to Beins, he is now a happy boy and has taken charge of the herd.
By adopting a compassionate diet, we can give more cows like Davey a chance at a long, happy life. Download our Vegetarian Starter Guide today to get started!