7 Things I Wish I’d Known When I Went Vegan
For most of us, going vegan is a learning process. And as someone who’s been vegan for over eight years, I definitely wish I’d known a few things sooner:
• It’s not about being perfect.
Veganism isn’t about purity or perfection. It’s about living in a way that avoids exploiting and harming animals. It’s about taking a stand for a kinder world.
• You can find vegan food pretty much anywhere.
Almost every city in the U.S. has incredible restaurants that are 100 percent vegan or can create fantastic vegan dishes. For veg restaurants near you, click here.
• You can eat vegan on a budget.
Some of the most affordable foods on the planet are vegan,
including rice, beans, legumes, pasta, and all kinds of fruits and veggies. Here are a few tips for eating vegan without breaking the bank.
• Accidents happen.
If you accidentally eat something that isn’t vegan, don’t beat yourself up. You can always start fresh at your next meal. Remember, the goal isn’t personal perfection but reducing animal suffering as much as we can.
• There are vegan versions of everything.
Seriously. From veggie sausages and burgers to plant-based mayo and cheeses, new vegan substitutes for meat
and dairy
products are hitting store shelves all the time. Try a few to find your favorites!
• You don’t have to know everything.
You may get a lot of questions from friends and family about your decision to become vegan. It’s OK if you don’t have all the answers.
• It could be the best decision you ever make!
Going vegan is one of the best things we can do to reduce and prevent the suffering of farmed animals. You’ll be so much happier knowing that you are contributing to a kinder, more compassionate world.
Not veg yet? Click here for delicious vegan recipes, meal ideas, and tips on making the switch.