PROGRESS: Popular Breakfast Chain Eggsmart Switches to Cage-Free Eggs
After actions taken by dedicated supporters and discussions with Mercy For Animals, Canadian breakfast chain Eggsmart publicly announced that it had reached its goal of sourcing eggs solely from cage-free hens!
Chairman’s Brands, the parent company of Eggsmart and several other popular brands, is one of over 130 Canadian companies that have pledged to eliminate cage confinement for birds in their supply chains. The company joins well-known brands IKEA, The Keg, Unilever, and Harvey’s in completing their 100% cage-free transitions in Canada.
This news is major progress for birds. Thank you for helping make it happen!

We’re making progress in Canada, but animals still need your help. Every day, hundreds of thousands of caged chickens suffer unimaginably—without room to walk more than a few steps or fully spread their wings. Learn more about the plight of birds raised for eggs and tell Burnbrae Farms, Canada’s largest egg producer, to commit to no more cages at BurnbraeHarms.ca.
Want to do more? The best thing we can do for hens and all farmed animals is to choose more plant-based foods. You can also sign up to volunteer for Mercy For Animals and become a Hen Hero today!