18 Hilarious Instagram Pics Every Vegan Will Relate To

18 Hilarious Instagram Pics Every Vegan Will Relate To

  • Sarah Von Alt
  • Sarah Von Alt

When people bring up protein…   

A photo posted by Matt Holmes (@fuitclimber) on

We all have this friend…

When the tofu critics come out in full force…

I mean… who doesn’t love avocados?

A photo posted by Katie Watts (@popwithkatie) on

Deserted Island tho.


A photo posted by Nic (@veganforlifenz) on


When people think we’re doing cows a favor by milking them… 

Eating at restaurants like…

When milk is the last ingredient…

A photo posted by @beautyby_flick on

But plants have feelings!!

We’ve all been there…

Canines tho.

 Want more? Click here for six hilarious tweets that perfectly sum up the struggles of being vegan.