Trader Joe’s Just Released a Cold Brew Latte and It’s Vegan!
Trader Joe’s just released an incredible new vegan product, perfect for hot summer days: Organic Cold Brew Mocha Nut Latte! Made with organic cold-brewed coffee, almond and cashew milk, dates, vanilla, cocoa powder, cinnamon, and pink Himalayan salt, one serving has five grams of protein and only 180
Matcha Joe-Joe’s
Matcha is having a moment.
Mango Chipotle Barbecue Sauce
Organic Aguas Fresca
So refreshing!
Caramel Ginger Popcorn
With crystallized ginger.
Coconut Cold Brew Coffee Concentrate
Giving us life right now!
But these aren’t the only vegan products at Trader Joe’s! From delicious dairy-free ice creams to vegan tikka masala, cruelty-free options abound!
As veganism gains popularity, grocers like Trader Joe’s are taking advantage of the expanding plant-based food market. Join the growing number of people who are taking a stand for animals, the environment, and their own health by transitioning to a plant-based diet. Click here to order your FREE Vegetarian Starter Guide.