Here’s Some Important Self-Care Advice for Vegans
If you’re new to veganism or animal rights, discovering the extreme cruelty faced by animals in factory farms can sometimes be overwhelming.
Here are some tips to help you care for yourself (while speaking up for animals):
• Build community.
Vegans are everywhere; you just have to know where to find them! Being part of a community of like-minded people is a great way to avoid “burning out” and combats feelings of hopelessness. Meetup is an excellent place to start.
• Volunteer.
Be part of creating a better world. Volunteering is a great way to make a difference and get to know new people who care about the same things you do.
• Relax. You don’t have to know everything.
You might get a lot of questions from friends and family after your decision to become vegan, and it’s OK if you don’t have all the answers. Be honest, and speak from personal experience. When our friends find out that eating vegan foods is important to us and why, they are more likely to understand.
• Treat yourself.
While healthy eating is a great act of self-care, don’t be afraid to treat yourself to something special every once in a while. Vegan donuts are a great place to start!
• Visit an animal sanctuary.
Spend some time with happy animals who will get to live out their lives in peace. Not only is this incredibly heartwarming; it’s also very motivating and can help restore our faith that the kind of world we envision is possible.
• Unplug.
Sometimes we all just need a break. Take some time from social media and focus on the things in your life that give you joy.
• Get some exercise, preferably outside.
Exercise is a great way to stay fit and release those feel-good endorphins. Enjoying nature and exercising outside (think hiking, biking, etc.) can have an especially calming effect.
• Maintain perspective.
Instead of getting bogged down by all the terrible things that happen to animals, focus on the fact that you are contributing to a kinder, more compassionate world at every meal.
Remember, by taking care of yourself, you’ll be able to help more animals in the long term.