5 Tips to Get More Vegan Options at Your Favorite Restaurant
Getting more animal-friendly options at your favorite restaurants is a great way to make vegan eating easier for you and the millions of people who are moving away from meat. With veg eating on the rise, restaurants are more willing than ever to add plant-based options to their menus.
Try these tips at a neighborhood spot or your favorite chain so you can put down that lackluster salad and start enjoying a hearty vegan pizza or burger instead:
1. Schedule a meeting with the restaurant manager
Call and schedule a meeting with the restaurant manager/owner. Mention you are a frequent customer and would like to talk about how they can make their great restaurant even greater. Bring samples of the vegan products you think would best fit and suggest how to incorporate them into their menu.
2. Post on restaurants’ social media accounts
Leave a comment on one of their social media accounts (e.g., Facebook, Twitters, Instagram) and tag the company. You can also write a review on Yelp, making sure to stay positive while asking for more options for you and your friends!
3. Start a Change.org petition
Write a short (150 words or fewer) letter asking the chain to add meat-substituted items to its menu. Follow Change.org’s easy instructions on how to post this letter on its website and watch the signatures roll in. Be sure to share your petition on all your social media accounts! This petition asking Pizza Hut for a dairy-free cheese option is a great example. Don’t forget to sign it!
4. Send an email/letter to the corporate headquarters
Make sure your thoughts are getting to the decision makers by writing a letter to the CEOs. You can write an email or letter to their corporate headquarters highlighting the benefits of plant-based foods and encouraging them to add more options to their menus.
5. Show your support of existing restaurants offering vegan options
Make sure to support restaurants around town that are providing delicious vegan options. Leave comment cards or an encouraging Yelp review expressing your excitement about their vegan items. This will encourage them to keep these recipes on their menus and possibly inspire them to add more vegan items.
There you have it! Five easy tips for getting more vegan food at your favorite restaurant and sparing countless animals a lifetime of suffering. For more information on finding delicious veg options near you, click here.