Vegan Fried Eggs with “Runny Yolks” to Debut in the United States
Yo! Egg—a food-tech startup specializing in vegan eggs—has created a line of mind-blowingly realistic products. Offering plant-based fried, poached, and boiled eggs, the company makes its products using a blend of plant proteins, water, sunflower oil, flour, and other simple ingredients.
The Israel-based company’s incredible products are already available at Israeli breakfast chain Benedict. Yo! Egg hopes to debut its vegan eggs in the United States by the end of this year, beginning with restaurants in the Los Angeles area.
Yo! Egg has been creating vegan eggs since 2019, saying it makes eggs without “the cholesterol, cruelty, and climate change.” Its claim to fame are its fried and poached eggs, which boast plant-based egg whites and runny yolks. One of the company’s videos shows the yolk run as someone breaks it open with a piece of bread.
Focusing on the “whole egg” experience, the company aims to become “the largest and most sustainable egg producer in the world, without the chickens.” Its co-founder and CEO, Eran Groner, described Yo! Egg:
Our vision is to create the world’s largest egg company, not egg alternative company, and not the largest plant-based egg company, but the largest egg company without using chickens.
While this is an ambitious goal, it is far from impossible. According to a 2022 Research and Markets report, the plant-based egg market is expected to reach $2.6 billion by 2026—up from $658 million in 2019! Now that is some massive growth. Gigi Levy-Weiss, a general partner at one of Yo! Egg’s investors, said:
With hundreds of millions of people across the world demanding plant-alternatives for their favorite proteins, Yo! Egg’s first-of-its-kind eggs will be a hit in restaurants nationwide.
This is fantastic news for chickens, who endure unimaginable cruelty in factory farms. Most hens spend the majority of their short lives crammed together in tiny cages. They are never allowed to soak up the sun, peck in the dirt, or raise their babies. Instead, they are treated as egg-producing machines until their bodies are spent and they are sent to slaughter.
The Yo! Egg vegan fried and poached eggs may not be in the United States yet, but there are still plenty of delicious egg-free options! Check out these tips on replacing eggs for breakfast, and don’t miss our guide to egg-free baking.