5 Tips That Will Get Your Picky Eater to Try More Vegan Food
5 Tips That Will Get Your Picky Eater to Try More Vegan Food

5 Tips That Will Get Your Picky Eater to Try More Vegan Food

  • Sarah Von Alt
  • Sarah Von Alt

Ready to eat more plant-based foods as a family? Eating vegan is not only a great way to protect your health and the health of the planet; it’s also a great way to share the values of kindness and compassion for animals with your children.

Of course, having some concerns about changing your child’s diet is normal, particularly if you are not very familiar with veg foods (especially kid-friendly ones!) and nutrition. Fortunately, there’s no need to worry—the American Dietetic Association says, “Properly planned vegan diets are healthy, nutritionally adequate and may provide health benefits in the prevention and treatment of many diseases.”

Many children have cats and dogs they consider members of the family, and after kids become aware of the animal cruelty in the meat industry, they often don’t want to eat meat. But this doesn’t mean that your child will have an immediate affinity for broccoli and beans.

So here are a few tips for helping your child eat more vegan foods with minimal fuss:

#1. Find a few easy-to-make recipes.

If you’re like most parents, you probably worry that changing your child’s diet will mean extra time in the kitchen. Luckily, there are tons of easy-to-make recipes that are ready in no time! You can modify your family’s favorite recipes by making a few simple swaps. And be sure to keep some easy snacks around the house, like granola bars, microwaveable burritos, canned lentil soup, and nuts.

#2. Try some animal-free products.

From sausages and chicken nuggets to yogurt and ice cream, many of your family’s favorite foods are available in a vegan version. So try a bunch to find your favorites. These products are not only easy to prepare but usually far more healthful than their animal-based counterparts. Plus, they can be used the same way!

#3. Get your child involved in meal prep and cooking.

Including children in grocery shopping and meal preparation can get them excited about healthy eating. Better yet, if they are old enough, let them choose a healthy dish to make for your family.

#4. Try some healthy new foods.

Having something familiar in meals for picky eaters is always a good idea, but be sure to serve some fun new foods along with your child’s favorites. Consider cutting veggies into various shapes with cookie cutters, including a variety of colorful foods, or adding extra veggies to a favorite pasta sauce or soup.

#5. Speak with a professional.

While it’s certainly important to do your own research and familiarize yourself with your child’s nutritional needs, don’t hesitate to speak with a medical professional who is well-informed about veg diets to address concerns and ask any questions you have.

Want more? Click here to order a FREE Vegetarian Starter Guide—we’ll send you delicious vegan recipes, easy meal ideas, and tips on making the switch!

For a list of our favorite kid-friendly vegan recipes, click here.